30 Days in Chicago: Day 1
Since I have very little time left in this town, I have decided to go on a different Chicago adventure every day until I'm gone. There's so much to do here, and so much that I never ended up seeing, that choosing 30 will be really hard. I suppose most of my decisions will be based on cost.
Yesterday morning I decided to bike over to the Green City Market. It could kinda be described as the granddaddy of Chicago farmer's markets. It boasts a large number of organic farmers from the midwest, celebrity chef cooking demos, a Lincoln Park address, and a whole lot of locally grown snobbery. Oh, and a four-dollar parking lot so you can drive your organic purchases two blocks back to your townhouse.
So technically I've been to the Green City Market before, which I suppose means that I could be cheating on my first day doing this, but really I think that a 5-year time span between visits is enough to call this a new experience.
In all honesty, the place seemed a little over-the-top for my tastes. The vendors were great, but the vendors rarely disappoint at any Chicago-area market. It was the crowd that seemed a little extra self-righteous, at least compared to the smaller markets around town. making me keep my trip on the short side.
It was slightly frustrating to stare at all the beautiful, fresh produce set out in front of me. I'd like to buy exclusively from these markets, but I couldn't afford this right now- and this is a similar problem for many. (call me crazy, but perhaps we could find a way for everyone to support local sustainable farming-if they so desire?)
At least I was able to pick out a few items, including green beans, crimini mushrooms, and 2 heads of funny-looking-to-me Italian garlic. I put my way stellar food photography skills to good use and created a picture with my purchases, which I will tentatively title
Still Life with Organic Produce and Brown Bag on a Rustic-looking Chair:

Although the hour-long bike ride was fun, I really wouldn't recommend the trip to anyone on the west side of town. The Wicker Park and Logan Square farmer's markets will suffice. Also, if you ride your bike on North Avenue for too long (or Division for that matter), you'll probably get squashed by a rental truck. Almost happened to me.
Since I have very little time left in this town, I have decided to go on a different Chicago adventure every day until I'm gone. There's so much to do here, and so much that I never ended up seeing, that choosing 30 will be really hard. I suppose most of my decisions will be based on cost.
Yesterday morning I decided to bike over to the Green City Market. It could kinda be described as the granddaddy of Chicago farmer's markets. It boasts a large number of organic farmers from the midwest, celebrity chef cooking demos, a Lincoln Park address, and a whole lot of locally grown snobbery. Oh, and a four-dollar parking lot so you can drive your organic purchases two blocks back to your townhouse.
So technically I've been to the Green City Market before, which I suppose means that I could be cheating on my first day doing this, but really I think that a 5-year time span between visits is enough to call this a new experience.
In all honesty, the place seemed a little over-the-top for my tastes. The vendors were great, but the vendors rarely disappoint at any Chicago-area market. It was the crowd that seemed a little extra self-righteous, at least compared to the smaller markets around town. making me keep my trip on the short side.
It was slightly frustrating to stare at all the beautiful, fresh produce set out in front of me. I'd like to buy exclusively from these markets, but I couldn't afford this right now- and this is a similar problem for many. (call me crazy, but perhaps we could find a way for everyone to support local sustainable farming-if they so desire?)
At least I was able to pick out a few items, including green beans, crimini mushrooms, and 2 heads of funny-looking-to-me Italian garlic. I put my way stellar food photography skills to good use and created a picture with my purchases, which I will tentatively title
Still Life with Organic Produce and Brown Bag on a Rustic-looking Chair:

Although the hour-long bike ride was fun, I really wouldn't recommend the trip to anyone on the west side of town. The Wicker Park and Logan Square farmer's markets will suffice. Also, if you ride your bike on North Avenue for too long (or Division for that matter), you'll probably get squashed by a rental truck. Almost happened to me.